Given enough time, anyone cansuccessfully complete the GMAT. The problem students face is thattime is very limited in the exam.

Years of experience have helped us create a specialized learning formula to deal with the time pressures, easily customizable to each student’s strengths. We are an essential ingredient in ensuring that you achieve your desired GMAT scores.

Our unique approach to quant

If the quantitative section is your weakness, Real GMAT will equip you with the most effective techniques to complete questions more quickly, saving time and avoiding the need for heavy computation.

Our unique approach to verbal

Do you struggle with complicated English grammar? Our experience has taught us that GMAT does not look for advanced grammar competency, but rather it tests your logic in comprehending complex passages and conquering basic grammar rules. Our time-tested techniques enable our bilingual students to approach complex questions effortlessly and efficiently.

With our help, students are able to identify GMAT question patterns, enabling them to approach their GMAT examination confidently.

Our success

Over the years, we have proven that our techniques really work. With our guidance, a number of students have achieved a full 51/51 Quantitative score and a 99-percentile score in the verbal section. Our average student scores are well above the global GMAT average, and continue to increase yearly.

Every year, our students are admitted to the top 10 business schools across the US, UK, and Europe, including Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Wharton, UC Berkeley, Kellogg, NYU, Michigan Ross, Duke, LBS, Yale, UCLA, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, INSEAD, and University of Chicago.

KRU A and his team

Our team all graduated from top MBA programs, and we bring the utmost dedication and commitment to the classroom. Our techniques involve careful analysis of our students’ study and data retention processes. This enables us to match our teaching method to each student’s specific learning style, sharpening their strengths and eliminating their weaknesses.

Using our extensive experience to devise unique and effective methods designed to optimize students’ time under pressure, we will help you minimize unnecessary steps, reduce stress, and get you the results you deserve.